Our church is part of the United Church of Christ. Our faith is 2,000 years old. Our thinking is not.
Our worship style is traditional. Our music is provided by our choir and our organist and also by a wide variety of guest musicians over the year. We celebrate the Lord’s Supper the first Sunday of each month. The communion table is open to all.
Our families worship together for the early part of our service. After the children’s sermon, the children are dismissed for Sunday School to learn of God’s love through lessons and crafts.
Faith and Covenant
- All members shall have the undisturbed right to follow the Word of God according to the dictates of their own consciences, under the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. The following Covenant and Statement of Faith, therefore, is not a test but an expression of the spirit in which the church interprets the Word of God.
- We covenant as followers of Jesus Christ to worship God with integrity and love, to serve humanity with compassion and hope, and advance education in church and society. We cherish freedom while pursuing integrity, respect and harmony, and assume responsibility in the quest for unity, justice and peace. We walk together as a servant community honoring the pilgrimage of each person nurtured in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. In the truth and beauty of word and deed, our commitment is to be involved as stewards fulfilling the vision of our church as a blessing.
- We believe in God, the Eternal Spirit, who is made known to us in Jesus our brother and to whose deeds we testify:
- God calls the worlds into being, creating humankind in the divine image and sets before us the ways of life and death.
- God seeks in holy love to save all people from aimlessness and sin.
- In Jesus Christ, the man of Nazareth, our crucified and risen Lord, God has come to us and shared our common lot, conquering sin and death and reconciling the whole creation to its creator.
- God bestows upon us the Holy Spirit, creating and renewing the church of Jesus Christ, binding in covenant faithful people of all ages, tongues and races. God calls us into the church to accept the cost and joy of discipleship, to be servants in the service of the whole human family, to proclaim the Gospel to all the world and resist the powers of evil, to share in Christ’s baptism and eat at his table, to join him in his passion and victory.
- To all who trust in the Gospel, God promises forgiveness of sins and fullness of grace, courage in the struggle for justice and peace, the presence of the Holy Spirit in trial and rejoicing, and eternal life in that Kingdom which has no end.
- Blessing and honor, glory and power be unto God.
(Article III of the Church Bylaws)

Rev. Joel Reif

Janis Gonzales
Choir Director and Organist